
Customer Feedback Form

Please use this form to file Commendations, Suggestions and Complaints with RTA.
This form is not intended for trip planning purposes. If you require trip planning assistance, please visit http://www.riderta.com/tripplanner/, or call the Community Connection Line at 216-621-9500.

First Name:  *
Last Name:  *
Street Address: 
City:   State:   Zip: 
E-mail Address: 
Please enter phone numbers as 10 digits, including area code, with no spaces, parentheses or hyphens.
Day Phone:   Evening Phone: 
All information is SOLELY for the purpose of contacting you regarding your correspondence and will be kept in strict confidence.

Please furnish information about your experience with RTA:
How often do you use RTA?
RTA is my primary mode of transportation.
I use RTA and other methods equally.
I rarely use RTA.
I have never used RTA until now.

Date of Occurrence: MM-DD-YYYY click here for date picker

Time of Occurrence: :

Coach Number:Operator Number:Route Number:

Direction of Travel:NorthSouthEastWest

Location of Occurrence (please be as specific as possible): *

Please provide us with any other details that may help us to address your feedback:
* (500 char)

Response requested:
MailPhoneEmailNo Response

Our goal is to respond to you within 3 working days.

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